11 August 2019

Give me a sign?

Ok, here it is...

If you happen to need a new sign board for some reason, my adventures in Blender led to me releasing this as a little product.

It's mod and copy, with six separate faces to make it easy to texture. Four of them are pre-textured with a neutral white-ish wood grain, so all you need to do is drop the image you want to use on the main faces and you're good to go.

It's 1Li and has decent LODs, so doesn't collapse as soon as you sneeze. You can check out how it looks rezzed out in my inworld store, and it's also available on Marketplace for 55 of your finest Linden Dollars.

Anna x

13 July 2019

Ohh sit down...

...because I made a sofa.

I said I might make some household-y items, and look at me, getting something done only weeks after planning it!

Here it is:

If you'd like to try it out, swing by my inworld store and rest your weary butt a while.

Yep that's me. Sitting down. 

The sofa costs L$125, is mod and copy and is available now on Marketplace and inworld.

If you do visit the inworld store, don't forget to pick up the variety of gifts, slap the Midnight Madness board and try your luck with the Lucky Chairs.

Anna x

23 June 2019


It's Pride weekend here in Edinburgh, and Pride month across the world, so to celebrate I made a slightly silly t-shirt with a serious message. 

No credible evidence has shown an increased safety risk from allowing everyone to use the facilities that are in keeping with their gender identity. Yet transgender and non-binary people are at risk of verbal and even physical abuse whichever they use.

I won't get too heavy in what is usually a lighthearted blog about my daft little clothing shop, but for many reasons this is a subject close to my heart and I wanted to show my support.

The ~AC Pride t-shirt is available now inworld and on Marketplace, in exchange for just fifty of your finest Linden Dollars. 

Anna x

1 June 2019

New release - a thing I forgot about!

About 8 months ago, I participated in the Nevermore Hunt, and made a version of my Eve Gown with a slightly more gothic twist.

The ~Alternating Current All Hallows Eve gown went down very well with the hunters, and I intended to release it in store once the hunt had ended.

Let's just say it's early, for next Halloween.  :D

It's available instore and on MP now. I hope you like it!

Anna x

19 May 2019

Free thing!!

Recently, I needed a little shoe rack for my entrance hall. I didn't want anything too big or elaborate, but I also didn't want it to collapse at too short a distance, because the hall is quite wide. I couldn't find anything exactly right so I had a go at making one myself:

I've made it available on MarketPlace and in my inworld shop for free, in case it is useful to anyone else:

Now I've made this, I might try making some more household/decor bits and pieces...watch this space.  :D

4 May 2019

Bollocks to Brexit

You might have heard about a little thing called Brexit, that's causing us all kinds of stress in the UK.

For the record, I'm very much pro-EU. I'd be delighted if our politicians could stop arguing over how best to leave, and just agree to stay.

So this is my new addition to the ~AC range (hah...is two things really a range?) of protest clothing: the Love EU t-shirt.

It comes in a range of male and female sizes, and there are two designs in each pack - a simple EU flag design and a slightly more forthright 'Bollocks to Brexit' slogan design.

Both the male and the female version cost L$120, and are available now on on Marketplace and inworld.

Anna x